1. Java VM 6 to support FitNesse. Download and install from
2. Selenium Server (formerly the Selenium RC Server) , version 2.43.1
3. Microsoft .NET 3.5 (at least) Framework to support FitSharp, the .NET test runner for FitNesse.
Fitnesse will work on .NET 3.5 or lower versions. Download and install from
4. thoughtworks.selenium.core.dll which you can find in the dotnet folder of Remote Control
5. FitSharp binaries for .NET 3.5 Download the latest release from
Unpacking FitSharp will give:
- fit.dll - the Framework for Integrated Test, with runners for Finesse and batch.
- Runner.exe - In a .NET environment, FitNesse starts an external Runner.exe .Runner process then
connects to FitNesse, downloads the page and executes tests. The results are passed back to
FitNesse, which displays them to the user
Framework for Integrated Test (FIT).
- fitSharp.dll - fitSharp is a set of open-source functional testing tools for .NET, inspired by the
6. FitNesse server (fitnesse-standalone.jar) download the latest release from Goto
Start Server:
Create Fixture:
Open a new .NET project, and copy this below class into it.
Ad references reference to fit.dll, thoughtworks.selenium.core.dll and fitsharp.dll to your project
using System; //.Net library
using System.Collections.Generic; //.Net library
using System.Text; //.Net library
using Selenium; //Selenium library
using fit; //fit library
using fitlibrary; //fit library
namespace webfixture
public class WebTest : fitlibrary.DoFixture
private ISelenium instance;
public void StartBrowserWithSeleniumConsoleOnAtPortAndScriptsAt(String browser,String rcServer,int rcPort,
instance = new DefaultSelenium(rcServer,rcPort,browser,seleniumURL);
Save and compile the will generate webfixture.dll in <project path>bin\debug
Create Fitnesse Test:
Open fitnesse localhost:8080 in browser and click “Edit”
#path of fil library
!define COMMAND_PATTERN {%m -r fitnesse.fitserver.FitServer,D:\Automation\fit.dll %p}
*path of runner
!define TEST_RUNNER {D:\Automation\Runner.exe}
#path of fixture dll
!path D:\Automation\project\Fitnesse\webfixture\webfixture\bin\Debug\webfixture.dll
#Class to include
!|Start Browser|*firefox|With Selenium Console On|localhost| At Port|4444|And Scripts
webfixture code
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Text;
using Selenium;
using fit;
using fitlibrary;
namespace webfixture
public class WebTest : fitlibrary.DoFixture
private ISelenium instance;
private String title;
public void StartBrowserWithSeleniumConsoleOnAtPortAndScriptsAt(
String browser, String rcServer, int rcPort, String seleniumURL)
instance = new DefaultSelenium(rcServer,
rcPort, browser, seleniumURL);
public void TypeUsername(String typeusername)
instance.Type("//*[@id='Email']", typeusername);
public void TypePassword(String typepassword)
instance.Type("//*[@id='Passwd']", typepassword);
public void ClickBrowser()
instance.WaitForPageToLoad( "10000");
title= instance.GetTitle();
public bool PageContainsText(String s)
return instance.IsTextPresent(s);
!define COMMAND_PATTERN {%m -r fitnesse.fitserver.FitServer,D:\Automation\fit.dll %p}
!define TEST_RUNNER {D:\Automation\Runner.exe}
!path D:\Automation\project\Fitnesse\webfixture\webfixture\bin\Debug\webfixture.dll
!|Start Browser|*firefox|With Selenium Console On|localhost| At Port|4444|And Scripts At||
|Page contains text|sign|
1. Java VM 6 to support FitNesse. Download and install from
2. Selenium Server (formerly the Selenium RC Server) , version 2.43.1
3. Microsoft .NET 3.5 (at least) Framework to support FitSharp, the .NET test runner for FitNesse.
Fitnesse will work on .NET 3.5 or lower versions. Download and install from
4. thoughtworks.selenium.core.dll which you can find in the dotnet folder of Remote Control
5. FitSharp binaries for .NET 3.5 Download the latest release from
Unpacking FitSharp will give:
- fit.dll - the Framework for Integrated Test, with runners for Finesse and batch.
- Runner.exe - In a .NET environment, FitNesse starts an external Runner.exe .Runner process then
connects to FitNesse, downloads the page and executes tests. The results are passed back to
FitNesse, which displays them to the user
Framework for Integrated Test (FIT).
- fitSharp.dll - fitSharp is a set of open-source functional testing tools for .NET, inspired by the
6. FitNesse server (fitnesse-standalone.jar) download the latest release from Goto
Start Server:
Create Fixture:
Open a new .NET project, and copy this below class into it.
Ad references reference to fit.dll, thoughtworks.selenium.core.dll and fitsharp.dll to your project
using System; //.Net library
using System.Collections.Generic; //.Net library
using System.Text; //.Net library
using Selenium; //Selenium library
using fit; //fit library
using fitlibrary; //fit library
namespace webfixture
public class WebTest : fitlibrary.DoFixture
private ISelenium instance;
public void StartBrowserWithSeleniumConsoleOnAtPortAndScriptsAt(String browser,String rcServer,int rcPort,
instance = new DefaultSelenium(rcServer,rcPort,browser,seleniumURL);
Save and compile the will generate webfixture.dll in <project path>bin\debug
Create Fitnesse Test:
Open fitnesse localhost:8080 in browser and click “Edit”
#path of fil library
!define COMMAND_PATTERN {%m -r fitnesse.fitserver.FitServer,D:\Automation\fit.dll %p}
*path of runner
!define TEST_RUNNER {D:\Automation\Runner.exe}
#path of fixture dll
!path D:\Automation\project\Fitnesse\webfixture\webfixture\bin\Debug\webfixture.dll
#Class to include
!|Start Browser|*firefox|With Selenium Console On|localhost| At Port|4444|And Scripts
webfixture code
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Text;
using Selenium;
using fit;
using fitlibrary;
namespace webfixture
public class WebTest : fitlibrary.DoFixture
private ISelenium instance;
private String title;
public void StartBrowserWithSeleniumConsoleOnAtPortAndScriptsAt(
String browser, String rcServer, int rcPort, String seleniumURL)
instance = new DefaultSelenium(rcServer,
rcPort, browser, seleniumURL);
public void TypeUsername(String typeusername)
instance.Type("//*[@id='Email']", typeusername);
public void TypePassword(String typepassword)
instance.Type("//*[@id='Passwd']", typepassword);
public void ClickBrowser()
instance.WaitForPageToLoad( "10000");
title= instance.GetTitle();
public bool PageContainsText(String s)
return instance.IsTextPresent(s);
!define COMMAND_PATTERN {%m -r fitnesse.fitserver.FitServer,D:\Automation\fit.dll %p}
!define TEST_RUNNER {D:\Automation\Runner.exe}
!path D:\Automation\project\Fitnesse\webfixture\webfixture\bin\Debug\webfixture.dll
!|Start Browser|*firefox|With Selenium Console On|localhost| At Port|4444|And Scripts At||
|Page contains text|sign|
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