Friday 15 May 2015

Web Driver API-Drag and Drop

Drag and Drop -Webdriver API Action Class

Now sometimes there may be required to automate the some functionality which has drag and drop functionality. Now we have taken the example of program to perform drag and drop operation. In the below example, as we know that the DragAndDrop divs are in a Frame, First we need to switch to the frame before performing the drag and drop operation. And after that you also need to check for the availability of Source Element and Destination Elements in UI.

Syntax for drag and drop is below:-

Actions action = new Actions(driver);
action.dragAndDrop(Sourcelocator, Destinationlocator).build().perform();
You can also make it as like below:

(new Actions(driver)).dragAndDrop(element, target).perform();

Thursday 14 May 2015

Context Menu example-Like Mouse Right Click in web driver API

Context Menu example-Like Mouse Right Click in web driver API:-

Here we show how to deal with context menu by taking a simple and effective example. In below example, our first thing that to right click on the element and the select the required option from the list of values. In this below example we have switched to an alert to verify that if we have successfully performed clicked on the required link by using TestNG asserts.
Now in this case, you will need to take the help of WebDriver action class and perform Right Click action on it. The below is the syntax for this approach (solution).
Will show how to work with context menu by taking a simple and good example. Below example, we need to first Right click on the element and select the required option from the list of values. In this example we have also switched to an alert to verify that if we have successfully clicked on the required link by using TestNG asserts or not.
Now,We need to take the help of WebDriver action class and perform Right Click on it. The below is the syntax to achieve this goal:
Actions action = new Actions(driver).contextClick(element);;
Below are the Steps we have followed in the below example:
a. Identify an element
b. Wait for the presence of an Element
c. Now perform (right click) Context click
d. After you need to select the required link.

public class RightClickExampleTest {

WebDriver driver;
public void Setup() {
        driver = new FirefoxDriver();
        driver.manage().window().maximize();// to maximize the browser
public void mouserightClickTest() {
        By locator = By.cssSelector("");
        WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, 5);
        WebElement element=driver.findElement(locator);
WebElement elementEdit =driver.findElement(By.cssSelector(".context-menu-item.icon.icon-edit>span"));;
Alert alert=driver.switchTo().alert();
String textEdit = alert.getText();
Assert.assertEquals(textEdit, "clicked: edit", "Failed to click on Edit link");
public void mouserightClick(WebElement element) {
try {
Actions action = new Actions(driver).contextClick(element);;
System.out.println("Successfully Right clicked on the particular element");
} catch (StaleElementReferenceException e) {
System.out.println("Else-Element is not attached to the page document "
                                      + e.getStackTrace());
} catch (NoSuchElementException e) {
System.out.println("Element " + element + " was not found in DOM "
                                      + e.getStackTrace());
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("Element " + element + " was not clickable at this moment "
                                      + e.getStackTrace());

public void exit() {

Delete Cookies in Selenium Webdriver API

Delete Cookies in Selenium Webdriver API
.i).Delete Cookie
ii).Delete Cookie with Name
iii).Delete All Cookies
Automation tester can delete a cookie from the browser "cookie jar". Domain of the cookie will be ignored.
Automation tester can delete the named cookie from the current domain. It is an equivalent to setting the named cookie's expiry date to sometime in the past.
Automation tester can also delete all the cookies for the current domain using driver.manage().deleteAllCookies();syntax.
Deleting the particular cookie with cookie name "--utmbTest"
public void deleteCookieNamedExampleTest()
driver= new FirefoxDriver();
String URL="";// User your own site
Deleting all the cookies of the particular domain
public void deleteAllCookiesExample()
driver= new FirefoxDriver();
String URL="";