Saturday, 18 October 2014

Remaning- Explanation of VBScript for use in HP QuickTest Professional (QTP)

Adding numbers by passing parameters:
<script type=”text/vbscript”>
FUNCTION ADD(Number1, Number2)
Result = Number1 + Number2
ADD = Result
document.write(ADD(4, 1))
Function to get square of a number:
<script type=”text/vbscript”>
Function do_square(number)
Do_square = number + number
end function
'first way of calling a function
document.write(" ")
'second way of calling a function
if 90 < do_square(8) then
document.Write(“90 is less than 8*8")
document.Write("8*8 is less than 90”)
end if
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A Sub procedure is a series of VBScript statements, enclosed by Sub and End Sub statements
<script type=”text/vbscript”>
call square ()
Sub square()
Var1 = InputBox("Please enter a number", 1)
Msgbox ("The square is " & do_square(var1))
End Sub
Function do square(number)
do_square = number * number
end function
We have written the calling statement (call square()) in the script itself.
Passing variable by reference example:
<script type=”text/vbscript”>
sub mysub ( )
dim x
document.write("in mysub" & x )
call newsub(x)
document.write("Back in mysub" & x )
end sub
call mysub()
sub newSub(byref var1)
document.write("in newsub" & var1)
end sub
This shows that only the address is being passed that is why it is showing the updated value third time in
Back in mysub.
Passing variable by value example:
<script type=”text/vbscript”>
sub mysub ( )
dim x
document.write("in mysub" & x )
call newsub(x)
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document.write("Back in mysub" & x )
end sub
call mysub()
sub newSub(byval var1)
document.write("in newsub" & var1)
end sub
This shows that another value is being passed as can be seen by the result of the third x as in Back in
7) Arguments in Procedures
There are two types of arguments in procedures
1) By Val: Indicates that the argument is passed by value.
2) By Ref: Indicates that the argument is passed by reference.
By default all arguments are 'ByRef'.
For example:
Function demo_add(a,b)
End Function
Here ‘a,b’ are the arguments. By default these are 'ByRef'.
In simple terms ‘ByRef’ Means the value which is assigned to the variable with in the function is permanent
and we can use that value out side that function as well.
‘ByVal’ means the value, which is assigned to the variable with in the function, is temporary and we can use
that value only with in that function.
For example:
Function demo_parameters(byref x,byval y)
End Function
msgbox demo_parameters(a,b)
msgbox a
msgbox b
In the above function ‘x’ and ‘y’ are the arguments, declared as ‘byref’ and ‘byval’. With in that function we
have assigned values to ‘x’ and ‘y’.
Outside of the function we have assigned values to two variables and passing those variables in to the
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function. Here 'a' is passing reference to x and b is passing value to y. With in that function we are changing
the value for ‘x’. This value is permanent for 'a' - because 'a' is passed as 'ByRef'. But the value of 'b' will not
be changed because it is passed as 'ByVal'.
8) VBScript Conditional Statements
Three types of conditional statements are there in VBScript.
if ... then ... else statement
Example of if statement without else:
Example – 1:
if i=2 Then msgbox "Hello World"
Example – 2:
<script type=”text/vbscript”>
Dim var_num
var_num = 7
If var_num = 7 Then
document.write("You are a Lucky 7!")
End If
var_num = 2
If var_num = 7 Then
End If
Example – 3:
More than one statement can be executed for truth condition by putting the statements on separate line.
if i=2 Then
msgbox "Hello World"
i = i+1
end if
Example of if ….then…. else statement:
Example – 1:
if i=2 Then
msgbox "Hello World"
msgbox "Thank You"
Example – 2:
<script type=”text/vbscript”>
Dim weight
weight = 50
If weight > 70 Then
document.write("You are Over Weight")
document.write("Your Weight is perfect")
End If
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Example of if ….then…. elseif statement:
Example – 1:
if fee="Cash" then
msgbox "pay cash!"
elseif fee="Visa" then
msgbox "pay with visa."
elseif fee="American Express" then
msgbox "pay with American Express."
msgbox "Unknown method of payment"
End If
Example – 2:
<script type=”text/vbscript”>
Dim weight
weight = 65
If weight > 70 Then
document.write("You are Over Weight")
elseIf weight > 60 Then
document.write("Your Weight is Perfect")
elseIf weight > 50 Then
document.write("You are under Weight")
document.write("Do Weight again")
End If
Select case statement
Example – 1:
select case fee
case "Cash"
msgbox "pay cash"
case "Visa"
msgbox "pay with visa"
case "American Express"
msgbox "pay with American Express"
case Else
msgbox "Unknown method of payment"
end select
Example – 2:
<script type=”text/vbscript”>
Dim myName
rnyName = "Rajesh"
Select case myName
Case "Manoj"
document.write("Are you there Manoj?"?
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Case "Pooja"
document.write(“Hello Pooja?")
Case " Rajesh"
document.write("How are you Rajesh ?")
End Select
Example – 3:
<script type=”text/vbscript”>
Dim myName
rnyName = "Rajesh"
Select case myName
Case "Manoj"
document.write("How are you Manoj?"?
Case "Pooja"
document.write(“Where are you Pooja?")
Case " Rajesh"
document.write("Where did you go Rajesh ?")
Case Else
document.write("Who are you?")
End Select
A single expression (usually variable) is evaluated once and its value is then compared with the values for
each case. If there is a match, the block of code associated with that case is executed. If there is no
match then Else case is executed.
9) VBScript Looping Statements
We have four looping statements in VBScript
For….Next Statement
Example – 1:
<script type=”text/vbscript”>
For num = 0 to 3
document.write("<br />Loop #" & num)
Loop #0
Loop #1
Loop #2
Loop #3
With the help of Step keyword, we can increase or decrease the counter by the value specified.
Example – 1:
For i=2 To 8 Step 2
any piece of code
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Example – 2:
For i=8 To 2 Step 2
any piece of code
For Each ... Next statement
It is useful when we don't know how many elements are there in the array.
Example – 1:
<script type="text/vbscript">
Dim cupboard (2)
cupboard(0) = "Trouse"
cupboard(1) = "Shirt"
cupboard(2) = "Suit"
document.write("In my cupboard is:")
For Each y In cupboard
doclment.write(y & “<br>")
Example – 2:
dim names(2)
For Each x in names
document.write(x & “”)
It will repeat a block of code while a condition is True or until a condition becomes True
Example – 1:
Do While i>9
any piece of code
If i equals 8, the code inside the loop above will never be executed.
Example – 2:
any piece of code
Loop While i>9
The code inside this loop will be executed at least one time, even if i is less than 9.
Repeating Code Until a Condition Becomes True
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Example – 1:
Do Until i=9
any piece of code
If i equals 9, the code inside the loop will never be executed.
Example – 2:
any piece of code
Loop Until i=9
The code inside this loop will be executed at least one time, even if i is equal to 9.
The Exit statement can only he used within a Do ... Loop control structure to provide an alternate way to
exit a Do ... Loop.
We must end all Do statements with Loop or otherwise error message will Pop up. The While and the
Until condition may be placed after the Do or the Loop.
Some Examples:
Example – 1:
num = 1
num = num + 1
Loop Until num = 5
Example – 2:
num = 1
Do While num < 5
num = num + 1
Example – 3:
num = 1
num = num + 1 br>Loop While num < 5
Exit a Do ... Loop
We can exit a Do ... Loop statement with the Exit Do keyword.
Example – 1:
Do Until i=9
If i<9 Then Exit Do
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The code inside this loop will be executed as long as i is different from 9, and as long as i is greater than
While-Wend statement
While Loop is a simple loop that keeps looping while a condition is true
Example – 1:
<script type=”text/vbscript”>
Dim count
count = 9
While count > 0
document.write (count)
document.write ("<br />")
count = count - 1
More VBScript techniques can be accessed by visiting the following link “10 VBScript techniques”
Michael Otey the author of “10 More VBScript Techniques” states that
“In my June 2001 column, I shared 10 basic VBScript techniques. For those who want to step up a level
and begin writing productive administrative scripts, here are 10 more VBScript techniques.
10. On Error-The On Error statement lets a script trap runtime errors and continue executing. You can
test for errors in the script after- each statement has executed. On Error Resume Next
9. InStr -This function lets you locate a substring in a string. The function returns the starting position of
the substring or a 0 if the function doesn't find the string. In
nPos = InStr("123345", "33")
nPos has a value of 3 because "33" begins in the third position of "123345."
8. The Do Loop -This basic mechanism far repeatedly executing a set of statements comes in two forms:
a Do Until Loop and a Do While Loop. The most important distinction between the two loops is that the
Do Until Loop arrays executes at least once.
Do Until myValue > 1
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myValue = myValue + 1
7. Subroutines Modularizing your code into subroutines lets you organize your scripts and create
reusable routines. You can define subroutines anywhere in a script. You use subroutines when you don't
need to return a value to the calling code. . . .
10) VBScript Classes
Class Hello-World
Public Sub Say_Hello(Name)
MsgBox "Hello, " & Name & ", welcome to " & Garden &”.”
End Sub
Public Garden
End Class
Dim MyHello_World
Set MyHello_World = New Hello_World
MyHello_World.Garden = "Fountain"
MyHello_World.Say_Hello "Genius"
Above we have created a class (Hello _World) and an instance (MyHello_World) of that class. VBScript
uses the Class…End Class statements to define the contents of the class. The property (Garden) and
procedure (Say Hello) are also declared within the class. Write the whole code written above in notepad,
save it as .vbs and run it.
Members within the class can be declared as private and Public. Private members are only visible within
the class whereas public members are accessible by any code outside of the class. Public is default.
Procedures (Sub or Function) declared Public within the class are methods of the class. Public variables
serve as properties of the class,
Property Let will allow code outside of the class to assign a value to a private variable of the class.
Class A
Private name
Public Property Let assign_name(e_Name)
name = e_Name
End Property
End Class
A Property Let procedure must accept at least one argument. This procedure can also handle the process
of data validation to check some validation e.g. if the value you are assigning is more than 5 characters
long or- not.
Property Get will allow code outside of the class to read the value of a Private property variable.
Class A
Private name
Public Property Let assign_name(e_Name)
name = e_Name
End Property
Public Property Get assign_name()
assign_name = name
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End Property
End Class
The Property Get procedure does not accept any arguments, however VBScript allows you to add an
argument. For this you have to add an additional argument to the property's corresponding Property Let
or- Property Set procedure because a Property Let/Set procedure must always have exactly one more
argument than its corresponding Property Get procedure.
Property Set - This is an object property assignment procedure used to assign the New Property value to
the private object variable (if the private variable is an object). Following op_sys is an object read-write
Class Machine
Private obj_oOS
Public Property Set op_sys(oObj)
Set obj_o0S = oObj
End Property
Public Property Get op_sys( )
Set op_sys = obj_o0S
End Property
End Class
We can make a property Read-Only by following two methods:
Method–1: By writing only a Property Get procedure for the property:
In the absence of a Property Let procedure, code outside of the class cannot write to the employeeName
Class employee
Private ename
Public Property Get employeeName()
employeeName = ename
End Property
End Class
Method–2: By declaring the Property Get procedure as Public and the Property Let procedure as
Class employee
Private ename
Private Property Let employeeName(strName)
ename = strName
End Property
Public Property Get employeeName()
employeeName = ename
End Property
End Class
Class Methods:
Where functions or procedures are written inside the class they are called methods.
If a class method is declared as Public there it will be available to code outside or inside the class, and a
method that is declared as Private will be available only to code inside the class.
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Class welcome
Private ur_name
Public Property Let Name(var-_name)
ur_name =var_name
End Property
Public Sub Showwelcome(var_type)
MsgBox Makewelcome(var_type) & Ur_name & “.”
End Sub
Private Function Makewelcome(var_type)
Select Case var_type
Case '"Formal"
Makewelcome = "welcome,”
Case "Informal"
Makewelcome = "Hello there, "
Case "Casual"
Makewelcome = "Hey, "
End Select
End Function
End Class
Dim my_object
Set my_object = New welcome
With my_object
.Name = “Genius"
.Showwelcome "Informal"
.Showwelcome “Formal"
.Showwelcome “Casual"
End With
Set my_object = Nothing
Class Events:
Class_Initialize and Class_Terminate are associated with every class that we create. Class_Initialize is
used whenever an object based on a class is. instantiated. e.g.
Set objectname = New classname
Class_Initialize event's general format is:
Private Sub Class_Initialize( )
'Initialization code goes here
End Sub
The Class Terminate event is used when the object goes out of scope, or when the object is set to othing.
Class Terminate event's general format is:
Private Sub Class_Terminate( )
'Termination code goes here
End Sub
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Another example of a class:
<script type="text/vbscript">
Class calculator
Public Function add(var_first, var_second)
Dim output
output = var_first + var_second
add = output
End Function
Public Function subtract(sub_first, sub_second)
Dim output
output = sub_first – sub_second
subtract = output
End Function
End Class
Dim calc_Object
Dim var_addition
Dim var_subtract
Set calc_object = New calculator
var_addition = calc Object_add(1,2)
var_subtract = calc Object.subtract(2,1)
document.write (var_addition)
document.write (var_subtract)
Below we will see file system objects of VBScript which allows us to access, copy, open, delete (and
much more) files on the operating system.
Summary of VBScript Class Concepts
1. It does NOT support inheritance. So it is not possible to create a Collie class which inherits
characteristics from a Dog class which inherits characteristics from a Mammal class, etc.
2. It does NOT support polymorphism. Kind of a related to inheritance, where for example a Dog class will
"bark" and a Pig class will "oink" when they are asked to "speak" (in a class hierarchy where they
inherited the base Speak() method from the Mammal class, then override that method to implement
animal unique behavior-).
3. It DOES support encapsulation, an OO technique which conceals how a particular" class is
implemented, independent from objects that use the class's Public Properties and Methods. Another way
to think about encapsulation is to say it is the ability to hide implementation details while sharing higher
level behavior.
In our opinion the lack of inheritance and polymorphism are not major shortcomings in scripting
environments such as WSH and especially QTP, where we are not trying to build large complex OO
Encapsulation is then the primary reason to consider using VBScript classes. And, with encapsulation
comes namespace control which permits any number- of class elements to be named for as long as each
of those elements resides in a different class (i.e. a different namespace).
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11) VBScript- Property Let, Property Get, Property Set
Class properties in VBScript are used to assign Values to private variable and handle the process of data
Property Let: Which is used by the outside code to store a value in the private property variable. It is
similar to a procedure in the sense that it does not return a value. A Property Let procedure Must accept
at least one argument. If the private variable you are using is an object then the process of assignment
and data validation is handled by Property bet.
Property Set: Similar to Property Let but used for object based properties. By default, the Property Set
Procedure is Public.
To retrieve the value of a private variable we will retrieve the value of a Property.
Property Get: This is used by code outside of our class to read the value of a private property variable. It
is similar to a function in the sense that it returns a value to the calling code -- this value is the private
variable value.
The Property comet procedure does not accept any arguments. We can add an argument to it, but then
we have to add an additional argument to the property's corresponding Property Let or Property Set
procedure, because Property Let/Set procedure must always have exactly one more argument than its
corresponding Property Get procedure.
If the property get procedure returns an object then we can use the set statement (but it works well
without set also) to return the value.
Class ABC
'Private object
Private var_obj
Public Property Get username()
Set username = var_obi
End Property
End Class
Read only Properties have only Property Get procedure
Write-only properties have only a Property Let or a Property Set procedure
Read-Write properties have a Property Get procedure and either a Property Let or a Property Set
Example - 1 of Property Let, Property Get, Property Set
Following Example, shows a simple class that defines a private variable, m_var, and a two read-write
properties, one_type and two_type, the latter of which is an object property.
Class Computer
Private m_var
Private o_var
Public Property Let one_type(stringtype)
m_var = stringtype
End Property
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Public Property Get one_type( )
one_type = m_var
End Property
Public Property Set two_type(cObj)
Set o_var = oobj
End Property
Public Property Get two_type( )
Set two_type = o_var
End Property
End Class
Example - 2 of Property Set
Here is the syntax for a Property Set procedure.
Class Main_class
'Private FS_object object
Private var_Obj
Public Property Set FSPRO (objFSPro)
Set var_Obj = objFSPro
End Property
End Class
For example, here is what code that is using an object based on the above class might look like.
Dim objMain_class
Dim objFSPro
Set objFSPro
WScript.CreateObject (“Scripting.FS_Object")
Set objMain_class = New Main_class
Set =objMain_class.FSPro = objFSPro
Last line uses the Set Statement when it writes to the FSPro property. This is required because the
Main_class class used a Property Set procedure for the FSPro property. Without the Set statement at the
beginning of the last line, VBScript would produce an error. When a property on a class is object based, it
is typical to use a Property Set procedure. Most programmers using this class would expect this.
Example - 3 of Property Set
For example imagine we had a class that contained a private property named ob_var_conn that was
expected to be an ADO Connection object. This class definition, with the property Set and Property Get
Statements might look like:
Class Connect_Class
'Create a private property to hold our Connection object
Private ob_var_conn
Public Property Get Connection ()
Set Connection = ob_var_conn
End Property
Public Property Set Connection (ob_var_ccnnection)
'Assign the private property ob_var_conn to ob_var_connection
Set ob_var_conn= ob_var_connection
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End Property
End Class
The end developer would use the Property Set statement in the following manner:
'Create an instance of Connect_ Class
Dim ob_var_class, ob_var_record
Set ob_var_class= New Connect_Class
Set ob_var_Connection = Server.CreateObject{'ADODB.Connection')
'Assign ob_var_Connection to the Connection property
Set ob_var_class,Connection = ob_var_Connection
As with the Property Let statement, the Property Set statement has an optional argument list. This
argument list must be identical to the corresponding Property Get's argument list.
12) Example of VBScript - Property Let, Property Get, Property Set
class PencilClass
Private recentPencil, recentColor
Property Get Pencil ()
Set Pencil = RecentPencil
End Property
Property Set Pencil (x)
Set recentPencil = x
End Property
Property Get Pencilcolor ()
Select Case recentColor
Case 1: Pencilcolor = “Orange”
Case 2: Pencilcolor = “Green”
Case 3: Pencilcolor = “Yellow”
End Select
End Property
Property Let Pencilcolor ()
If x = ”Orange” Then
recentColor =1
If x = ”Green” Then
recentColor =2
recentColor =0
End Property
End Class
Set one_pencil = New PencilClass
Set two_pencil = New PencilClass
One_pencil.Pencilcolor = “Orange”
wscript.echo One_pencil.Pencilcolor
Set two_pencil,pencil = One_pencil ‘Invokes Property Set
wscript.echo “1st time” & one_pencil, pencilcolor
two_pencil.pencil,Pencilcolor = “Green”
wscript.echo “2nd time” & one_pencil, pencilcolor

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